Saturday, December 17, 2005

Goodbye Chapel Hill

I'm down to my last 12 hrs here. Next stop: Philly

Well...on hindsight, its been a really challenging semester. But I think its been a great 5 months and certainly I have lots of experiences and lessons to bring home. At least now I know I can write 5 essays in 10 days..hehe..

Due credits to people:

IVCF Folks: To both my International Group and the Grandville guys. Thanks for accepting me into your family and helping me settle in. Your love for me and other exchange students in general has taught me a lot about loving aliens in your land. Undoubtedly you guys have lived the command to love aliens well. I vouch for that.

John: Thank you for being so selfless. For driving me around all the time and bringing shooting. Your fellowship is worth lots to me and I hope that ISG will continue to grow and shine for God next semester.

Tim: What can I say? I'm real humbled by you. Thank you for approaching me at that first IVCF meeting and taking care of me all this time. Take care in Africa

Alaina: You have no idea how settling it was to know that there's someone in a faraway place that is willing to include you in their activities. Your love for the exchange students around you certainly inspires me to do likewise. All the best after graduation!

Ben/Rocky/James: Thank you guys for a great time! Chapel Hill wouldn't have been complete without your friendships

Liz: The feisty redhead. Thank you for driving me to church and for that trip to the post office. Real glad that you will be taking over Alaina. Hope you will enjoy leading ISG next sem.

Jeremy/Walker: Hey dudes, thank you for alllowing me to join your bible study though I technically don't belong in that pod. I needed that 30min track up to Grandville *wink

Brian: To my roommate. I can't possibly have a better roommate. Thank you for tolerating me and giving into my needs ie keeping the room temperature up. Take care dude!

Well...I guess this is it. Bobbert has travelled to the end of this chapter. There's more ahead!


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