Wednesday, November 08, 2006


Bobbert's travels ends here. To the faithful, thanks for sticking around

Sunday, October 01, 2006


Ok, I has been brought to my attention that selected people have been very concerned for me. Thank you all so much! I'm fine! But have you ever found yourself constantly running around and no time to be still? Yup, that's where I am. Stressed is not the word..more like hassled consistantly. Bottom line: I'll be a-ok!

Oh! Have you ever experience a tangible answer to prayers? I guess many of us have and I thank God for answering a prayer that has been going on for months. To a particular someone, I'm real glad that you have set yourself to hit the uphill with Him. You have no idea how elated I am! Here's to another chapter of your journey.

Wednesday, August 16, 2006

Other times

Other times it's harder to deny than to admit to one self

Other times you are caught in an acute sense of inadequacy and helplessness

Other times you can't be sure of who you are anymore

Other times he who has everything has nothing

Other times he who gives everything gives nothing

Other times.........

Monday, August 14, 2006


Sometimes you have to take a path not of your choosing

Sometimes you have to do something to make a statement

Sometimes you are dealt a hand of cards that you can do nothing with

Sometimes you feel trapped in the open


Friday, June 16, 2006


I was surfing around my friends' blogs, plucked this one from C's

When things seem hard to handle or out of control, its time to regroup.

I can't agree with you more. Though that really sounded like a military strategy. Maybe you have been influenced by me in using military analogies? Grin

Yeah, its time to regroup. Mistakes were made, casualties sustained but the outcome yet to be decided upon. Time to pull back, refit and reassess.

To C...thanks for being such an inspiration sometimes.

Tuesday, June 13, 2006

Chance meeting

I ran into my old mentor F while I was out and about. We haven't had a good chat for the longest time and the irony of it all is that we both attend the same church and while I am involved in VCF, he is a full time staff in its parent organisation, FES. Since we both had nothing much to do, coffee seemed like the optimum agenda.

The thing about F is that he is a thinker. His thoughts usually centres upon his faith and his walk. He shared his struggle with his desires intently with me. Desire apart from God serves to bring us into conflict with Him and His will. The only way to overcome this is be broken by God and to surrender to His will. This brought the song written by my friend Whack to my mind. In it it goes "Desire is a many headed beast". Indeed desire is something that can be untame and chaotic; if left to its own devices can cause unimaginable damage.

This led me to reflect on my own struggle with my desires. The beast which is desire was indeed loose and I can only imagine what that beast has done. It pains me more when I realised the hurt caused to people dear to me. Perhaps its time to shape up.

And in a classic F moment, he shared to me about this poly dude in his campus ministry who is blind yet truely he is the one who sees.

Sunday, June 11, 2006


A: Its ok to date a non-Christian, just can't marry her. But even then, the complications with trying to convert within a relationship might be tricky

D: I know. I ain't gonna marry her if she ain't a Christian.

A: So if you ain't gonna marry her, why date her?

Classic understatement......

Another night

A classic moment...

Its drizzling, you ring the door bell incessantly, you call the house phone, you hear the guitar shredding away............